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$300.00 -Speaking Engagements

$50.00-Podcast Consulting for Start Up, & $100 for Existing.

Often times, speakers get caught up in their platform, and then they begin to place more emphasis on the dollar sign than their designation. While it would be great to make money and support myself from this, I believe serving others is more important than selfishness. As a speaker, my goal is to to be used by God to motivate, educate, encourage, and inspire by connecting with my audience in a meaningful way. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the audience you're speaking in front of, & adapt. For church events, I provide Exegetical Understanding: A break down of the text based around my topic, with help from the original languages. For other engagements, I tap into everyday life to see what's talked about in culture; and craft a message around it centering on making a wise choice/decision with the hope it will help create a better YOU. At the end of the day, it does not matter where I am summoned, I'll go & do my best to the glory of God and for the betterment of my listeners!

Cell: 240-695-4825


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